Zhaobin Mo - 莫钊镔

I am currently a final-year Ph.D. student in Civil Engineering at Columbia University advised by Prof. Xuan Di (Ditect Lab). I was recognized as a President Fellow and Mindlin Scholar at CU. Before joining CU, I received a B.E. from Tsinghua University in 2017.

My research focuses on physics-informed deep learning that facilitates the integration of domain knowledge and deep learning models. I am passionate about exploring how prior knowledge can foster safe, robust, and explainable AI. I have also worked on other topics like reinforcement learning, graph neural networks, and probabilistic graphical models.

Email  /  CV (last updated: Dec. 2024)  /  Google Scholar  /  Github

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2024/08 - Two papers were accepted by ITSC 2024.
2024/06 - Our paper on mean-field games and traffic flow models was accepted by Transportation Science.
2024/06 - Joined Argonne National Lab as a Student Researcher.
2024/05 - Our paper on human mobility prediction was accepted by ACM Transactions on Spatial Algorithms and Systems
2023/12 - Our paper on pedestrian trajectory prediction was accepted by AAMAS 2024
2023/06 - Our physics-informed deep learning (PIDL) survey paper was accepted by Algorithms
2023/05 - Selected as Mindlin Scholar Civil in Engineering by Columbia University.
2023/04 - Our paper on Longitudinal Control of Electrical Connected Vehicle got accepted to Applied Science.
2023/01 - Our paper on Robust Data Sampling got accepted to Games.
2022/09 - Our paper on uncertainty quantification of traffic state estimation got accepted to ECML-PKDD 2022.
2022/08 - Best Paper award in KDD 2023 workshop on urban computing
2022/08 - Our paper on decentralized traffic signal control got published to TRC
2022/06 - Joined Siemens as a Student Researcher.
2021/09 - Our paper on PIDL for traffic state estimation got published to IEEE T-ITS.
2021/09 - Our paper on PIDL for imitating human driving got published to TRC
2021/05 - Our paper on PIDL for traffic state estimation got published to AAAI 2021

Selected Publications


Robust Data Sampling in Machine Learning: A Game-Theoretic Framework for Training and Validation Data Selection

Zhaobin Mo, Rongye Shi and Xuan Di
Games, 2023

Longitudinal Control Strategy for Connected Electric Vehicle with Regenerative Braking in Eco-approach and Departure

Rolando Bautista-Montesano, Renato Galluzzi, Zhaobin Mo, Yongjie Fu, Rogelio Bustamante-Bello, and Xuan Di
Applied Sciences, 2023

Detecting Mild Cognitive Impairment and Dementia in Older Adults using Naturalistic Driving Data and Interaction-based Classification from Influence Score

Xuan Di, Yiqiao Yin, Yongjie Fu, Zhaobin Mo, Shaw-Hwa Lo, Carolyn DiGuiseppi , David W. Eby Linda Hill Thelma J. Mielenz David Strogatz Minjae Kim and Guohua Li
Artificial Intelligence in Medicine, 2023

TrafficFlowGAN: Physics-Informed Flow Based Generative Adversarial Network for Uncertainty Quantification

Zhaobin Mo, Yongjie Fu, Daran Xu and Xuan Di
Joint European Conference on Machine Learning and Knowledge Discovery in Databases (ECML-PKDD), 2022
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Uncertainty Quantification of Car-following Behaviors: Physics-informed Generative Adversarial Networks

Zhaobin Mo and Xuan Di
Abridged in KDD 2022 Workshop on Urban Computing (Best Paper).

Quantifying Uncertainty in Traffic State Estimation using Generative Adversarial Networks

Zhaobin Mo, Yongjie Fu, and Xuan Di
IEEE 25th International Conference on Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITSC), 2022.

CVLight: Decentralized Learning for Adaptive Traffic Signal Control with Connected Vehicles

Zhaobin Mo, Wangzhi Li, Yongjie Fu, Kangrui Ruan, and Xuan Di
Transportation research part C, 2022.

Physics-informed Deep Learning for Traffic State Estimation: A Hybrid Paradigm Informed by Second-order Traffic Models

Rongye Shi, Zhaobin Mo, and Xuan Di
Proceedings of the AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence (AAAI), 2021.

A Physics-informed Deep Learning Paradigm for Car-following Models

Zhaobin Mo, Rongye Shi, and Xuan Di
Transportation research part C, 2021.
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A Physics-informed Deep Learning Paradigm for Traffic State and Fundamental Diagram Estimation

Rongye Shi, Zhaobin Mo, Kuang Huang, Xuan Di and Qiang Du
IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems, 2021.

Multimedia Fusion at Semantic Level in Vehicle Cooperative Perception

Zhongyang Xiao, Zhaobin Mo, Kun Jiang, and Diange Yang
IEEE International Conference on Multimedia & Expo Workshops (ICMEW), 2018.


Conference Reviewer: KDD 2022, ECML-PKDD 2021
Journal Reviewer: T-ITS, TRC


Teaching Assistant of CIEN E4011: Big Data Analytics in Transportation, Columbia University, Spring 2019-2021, Spring 2023
Teaching Assistant of CEOR E4011: Civil Infrastructure Systems Optimization, Columbia University, Fall 2020, Summer 2021
Teaching Assistant of CIEN E4131: Principle of Construction Techniques, Columbia University, Spring 2021


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